Summer Reading List (+ Spring Reviews)

The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides 9/10 – I loved this book. Jeffrey Eugenides has officially cemented his place as one of my favourite authors (one of his other books, Middlesex, is one of my all-time favourites). I remember watching the film quite a while ago, but it didn’t affect me as much as the book did. The story of the Lisbon sisters is sad and beautiful and it lingered with me for quite a while after I’d finished reading the book.

Along Came A Spider by James Patterson 4/10 – I was in the mood for an easy read so I scanned through my list of Kindle books and selected this. It was basically just another run-of-the-mill crime novel, but it was exactly what I wanted at the time and I enjoyed it.

The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach 8/10 – For some reason it took me a really long time to read this book. It wasn’t because I didn’t like it or that I wasn’t enjoying the story, it just took a while for me to pick it up and get stuck into it. I was glad once I did because this was one of the best books I’ve read all year.

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn 7/10 – I was craving something quick and easy after my struggle to get going with The Art Of Fielding, so I picked this up. The subject matter is disturbing, but the story is good and Gillian Flynn’s style of writing is a breeze to read.

13 Responses to “Summer Reading List (+ Spring Reviews)”

  1. Eugenides has become one of my favorites as well. Loved both Middlesex and the Virgin Suicides, so now I’m in the middle of the Marriage Plot

  2. I LOVED The Art of Fielding and keep recommending it to people. πŸ™‚ I am not familiar with baseball as a sport, and it seems to be the main deterrent when I do rec it to people, but the story is just so good. I’m glad you liked it, too. πŸ™‚

    As for The Marriage Plot, I liked it enough, but I was more intrigued by the dynamics of the characters and the events of the first half of the book.

  3. I think I tried Sharp Objects and then thought.. wow. This is a HARD read. I didn’t find it quick at all! I think I need some fluff before I try again… I need to get back into reading in general. I wish I could stay in the zone!

  4. I picked up Dark Places today (Gillian Flynn) for my flight tonight, I really enjoyed her Gone Girl

  5. I saw and loved the Virgin Suicides at the cinema, and the fact I saw the movie first has strangely paralysed me to pick up the book. Super frustrating but I can’t get over myself on this one! No such block with Middlesex though, so will add that to my summer reading list – I trust you with books (and perfume) πŸ™‚


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