Posts tagged ‘thoughts of the week’

September 13, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) I feel like I am forever on the hunt for pretty desktop backgrounds for the three computers that I frequently use (oh, and my iPad and my iPhone). You’d be surprised at how hard it is to find a nice background, especially considering the endless resources that are available online. I always seem to have trouble finding stuff that I like, especially stuff that is free to download and readily available following a quick google search. During the week I stumbled across Design Love, and bookmarked it immediately.

02) Liv Tyler is apparently pregnant again! How exciting!

03) Taylor Swift’s album is available for pre-order (it’s due out on the 28th of October, I think I’ll wait for the release date), and she’s been all over the news this week because of comments she made during her Rolling Stone interview about a famous enemy she has. We all know it’s Katy Perry, and I kind of love it. She also tweeted a link to this video taken on the day of her Rolling Stone photoshoot. It’s lovely. Fun fact: the photographer from that shoot is Liv Tyler’s ex boyfriend. THE MORE YOU KNOW.

04) We went for a lovely drive in the country today, and had lunch in a little country town called York. It was nice to take some time to get away for the day. I loved seeing the wildflowers along the way, although it’s not technically wildflower season yet.

05) Anna Wintour did the 73 Vogue Questions interview, and it was just as awkward and stiff as I imagined it would be. It’s amazing how easy it is to spot the different between ‘performers’ (actors, etc) doing these interviews, and people who don’t put on a show for a living. I swear I saw Anna’s hand shaking at one point during the interview. Perhaps she is human after all? Also, how much does her office look like the one from The Devil Wears Prada. Ha.

06) Urban Rituelle are having a sale (up to 65% off), but hurry because it’s ending on Sunday! Use code BIRTHDAYSALE when placing your order. Happy shopping!

07) This is a really interesting article.

08) I am tempted to buy Ben a spider costume for Halloween in an attempt to recreate this prank.

09) The 29 realest Tumblr posts about being Australian.

10) This live emoji feed is very interesting. I feel sorry for the lesser-used emojis now.

September 6, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) We went to see ‘Into The Storm’ last night and it was so good to finally watch a weather-based disaster movie on the big screen again! Although the underlying plot was nowhere near as good as Twister (still one of my favourite movies), the special effects were great and as a whole I enjoyed it quite a lot.

02) Jimmy Fallon & Adam Levine played ‘Wheel of Musical Impressions‘ and it was great

03) A sober nightclub sounds right up my alley, to be honest.

04) Ben says hello.

05) News broke this week that Perth is getting 7-11, which means we’ll have ready access to Krispy Kreme and Slurpees. I don’t care much about Krispy Kremes (they’re nice, but nothing I’d line up for), but I’ve always wanted to participate in free Slurpee day. I guess now I’ll have my chance!

06) These Parks & Recreation Emojis are awesome. I would use the hell out of the Tom Haverford one. #treatyoself #withemojis

07) This woman is courageous and inspiring.

08) So I never actually got around to purchasing tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert later this year, but they price has been reduced to around $80, so I guess that’s a good thing… Now I just need to get off of my butt and organize some tickets.

09) We’re finished with season one and making our way through season two of House of Cards, and the season opener blew my mind. This show is definitely worth watching, if you haven’t already tuned in.

10) We decided to bite the bullet and plan another (very small) little getaway for the end of this year. It’s only for a weekend, but it should be a nice little break. After that there will probably be very few holidays until our trip to the USA at the end of next year. But that will be worth the wait!

August 31, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) Haus of Gloi have released their Autumn collection, and the last time I checked all of the ‘Ghost Puffs’ goodies were out of stock. Ugh.

02) The day finally came, the very first pair of Country Road stockings that I ever bought (four years ago) have a hole in them and need to be chucked out. I can’t recommend them highly enough, they are amazing quality and I continue to buy them year after year. This is the first time since I started wearing them that I’ve ever needed to replace them. They certainly are long lasting!

03) This article about Taylor Swift finally embracing feminism is pretty interesting (and frankly it’s about time). Speaking of Taylor, here she is in iambic pentameter.

04) Somehow we managed to successfully grew some catnip, and Pepsi has been high ever since.

05) This piece has made me really excited for Lena Dunham’s book.

06) I got spendy this week and ordered some books and makeup. Oops.

07) I can’t wait for Parks & Recreation to be back on our screens. Meanwhile, Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman both continue to live their lives in the most awesome way possible.

08) Beyonce’s performance at the VMAs was perfection. As per usual. Speaking of Queen B, apparently she is coming to Australia with the On The Run tour with Jay Z. Interesting…

09) We finished watching the final season of The Killing, and it wasn’t how I thought they would end it, but I’m mostly satisfied with it being all wrapped up.

10) We went to see Mythbusters Live on Wednesday night, and it was a lot of fun. I wasn’t sure how their show would translate to a live audience, but I really enjoyed it. It was also really nice to head out into the city mid-week, as I rarely do. It was bustling!

August 24, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) Ingrid has me convinced that I need the Bumble & Bumble Thickening Dry-Spun Finish. With Mecca’s recent price drop, it’s now a few bucks cheaper and I’m seriously tempted to pick this up.

02) Taylor Swift released a new song (and an accompanying music video), and it’s pretty damn catchy. I do love Taylor, but I also agree with a lot of what these people are saying. I’ve never loved Taylor’s ‘pop’ songs, I’ve always preferred her more heartfelt story-telling style, but I’m interested to see what the new album is like. Hopefully it has a nice balance of both.

03) Speaking of music videos… Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda sure is interesting. (NSFW)

04) Pepsi loves it when I clean out my wallet. Scrunched up receipts make for exciting new toys.

05) The Charlotte Tilbury sets at Netaporter are beautiful. Anyone want to buy me one?

06) This dog video made my week.

07) I really hope Bardarbunga doesn’t erupt. All of the reports about this are quite scary, and with my parents bound for Europe (AGAIN!) next week, I’d hate to think of the chaos it would cause.

08) If you’re in the market for some new books to read, this list of book releases that are due out in the second half of the year is definitely worth checking out.

09) Shape Magazine’s best running tips of all time.

10) 13 reasons to follow Neil deGrasse Tyson on twitter.

August 17, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) I finally finished clearing out my makeup collection! The best part was finding makeup that I had completely forgotten I owned. Jackpot. Now I need to start thinking about the walk in wardrobe organization. Ugh.

02) If you’ve ever done the Myers-Briggs personality test and are interested to see what personality type your blog says you are (at if it aligns with your regular personality – surprisingly enough, mine doesn’t), work it out here.

03) HEY GUYS, there are only 129 days until Christmas!

04) I’m sure by now we’ve all heard about the sad passing of Robin Williams. We celebrated his life by watching both Mrs Doubtfire and The Birdcage this weekend. Two of my all-time favourite movies. I think an Aladdin/Jumanji re-watch could be on the cards sometime soon.

05) Daniel Radcliffe did the Vogue 73 questions interview. He also surprised some of his fans after a screening of his new movie in New York. I adore Daniel Radcliffe.

06) I decided to put ‘The Shining’ down for a little bit, and have picked up ‘In The Blood’ by Lisa Unger instead. I’m really liking it so far, and I’m making way more progress on it than I did with The Shining. 50 Book Challenge, I’m coming for you!

07) How the sun sees you.

08) This was by far my favourite news story of the week.

09) WTF Renaissance is definitely my favourite twitter account at the moment.

10) I mentioned pizza on twitter last week, and Dominos Australia contacted me to send me a voucher for a free pizza. Which they seem to do a lot. A+ social media work if you ask me!

August 9, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) Of course Country Road have their spend and save deal now that I’m on a no-buy. Typical.

02) Kimberley mentioned ‘Booko‘ in her recent Q&A video, and as I’d never heard of it I thought I’d share it with you all. You can type in the title of a book you’re looking to purchase, and it scours online stores to find the best price available. If you’re like me and buy the majority of your books online, this site will no doubt come in handy.

03) So apparently the new Ghostbusters movie will have an all-female lead cast? I’m ok with this.

04) Pepsi says hi.

05) I really want one of these cute monogrammed iphone covers.

06) I’m back in my thrifty state of mind (thanks to a rather large rates bill that showed up earlier in this week), and have been thinking about doing my spring/summer hauls as ‘shop my stash’ features. Lord knows I have enough unread books and unused makeup to pick through.

07) This month-long workout plan by PopSugar looks interesting. Is anyone up for a challenge?

08) We finally finished watching both The Office and LOST during the week. It was bittersweet and quote emotional, watching both finales on the same evening. We’re now making our way through the first season of House of Cards, which is fast becoming one of my new favourite TV shows.

09) Speaking of TV, the new (and final) season of the Killing is finally out!

10) I’m not doing so well in my 50 Book Challenge. I’m really stuck with The Shining, and am finding it quite hard to get into. I find it even harder to put aside a book once I’ve started reading it, so I shall persevere. I might slip in a couple of ‘easy’ books after this one. Shhh…