Archive for June 21st, 2014

June 21, 2014

Thoughts of the week…

01) Some of my girlfriends are coming over for dinner tonight, so I finally have the change to to make this soup. I hope it turns out alright.

02) I’m already writing my spring/summer beauty wishlist (although I am by no means wishing this beautiful winter weather away), and it’s getting a bit too long. What’s at the top of my wishlist? This and this.

03) If you’re ever struggling to find inspiration for business-casual workwear, I highly recommend checking out the Outfit Posts blog. There are a LOT of inspiring outfits to browse through.

04) My boyfriend is away for work for a week, so I’ve been making the most of the opportunity to catch up on TV shows that he doesn’t have any interest in watching. In true form, I powered through a full season of Girls in two days (it helped that I’ve been home sick for half of the week – flu season sucks), and I’m now completely up to date.

05) Speaking of being home sick, does anyone else get bored when they stay home from work for more than one day? I have a really hard time sitting and doing nothing, which is a complete personality change from what I used to be like. How do you force yourself to relax?

06) I’ve started the mass cleanout of my makeup collection, and it’s really made me stop and think about how much makeup I buy that ends up going to waste. Mostly cream products, but still. There is a lot of stuff that is nearly full that I have to get rid of that I can’t even give away to people, because it’s well past it’s ‘ok to put on your face’ date. Something to think about.

07) This Game of Thrones 1986 Remix is awesome.

08) Guy uses swiffer to remove owl from his house.

09) If you’re in the mood for a sweet little movie to watch tonight, check out ‘Saving Mr Banks’. I watched it last night and it was a lovely little film. I really feel like watching Mary Poppins now…

10) Miley Cyrus is bringing her Bangerz tour to Australia at the end of the year. I convinced one of my BFFs to come with me, so my boyfriend is off the hook for this one.